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Take a look behind the songs...


Just a Touch

Holding my newborn babies for the first time flooded me with such a rush of indescribable emotions. As we study our babies, we spot similarities in our family resemblances. Every day, new connections to other family members emerge as the babies grow, and the joy and mystery of wondering who the baby will look like is such fun. We see the likeness to ourselves, and I couldn’t help but notice how much our Heavenly Father must feel the same way about us as we feel about our children.

From Above

What a beautiful gift a new baby is. When expecting our grandchild, the anticipation built and grew as my memories of my own babies filled my heart.  Playing with a baby is so much fun, and watching that little one joyfully react to tickles and baubles and the world that surrounds them is such a special delight. There are special moments that always stay in my heart as think how exciting it must be for them to discover the world they are born into!  


Angels Here

Tiny children are very sensitive to the world that surrounds them. They are quick to spot things that scare them. I learned that teaching them to look for the angels that God sends them is such a helpful tool to give them. In the Scriptures, Jesus said, “the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” as he referred to tiny ones. They are so sensitive to spiritual things and they can one greatly helped when taught to find peace and comfort in the angels that Scripture tells us God sends to them.

Hold My Hand

I had such a sweet relationship with my daddy. My grandmother lived in a remote little town in the Midwest with absolutely NO entertainment but the train tracks! My dad would take me for long walks on those tracks, holding my hand and keeping me safe. The tall grasses, butterflies and birds captured my heart as I leaped from railroad tie to tie, my dad whistling all the while. Others could balance on those rails but I always fell off and was frighted of the drop off beside the tracks. If my daddy held me, I could stay aright and not fall, and the euphoria of feeling like the big kids boosted my tender heart. Daddy always told me to look to him, and look for his smile, reassuring me that I would be OK. His tender loving smile is forever etched in my heart.


Keeper of the Gate

Parents can have a powerful effect on their child's thoughts and feelings. When I was raising my boys, I found myself affecting them with my negative emotions. If I could do it again, I would take my sorrows and pain to Jesus for peace and healing. He is faithful to carry our burdens. Friends, we have the power to make our home a place of peace, love, and joy! 

Hush-a-bye Whispers

As a new mother previously accustomed to great sleep, I found myself frustrated and sometimes angered by being awakened so many times in the night. I remember the night that I realized that the time with my babies was not a problem, but was actually a beautiful gift to be treasured. My mindset changed, and I found myself looking forward to that time in the night when no one else could interrupt the special time I had to bond with my darlings.



Life can be turbulent, but peace can be found. I wrote words for this song, but could not bring myself to sing them; I wanted the sound of the music to tell the story. In the Scriptures, Jesus is on the Sea of Galilee with his disciples, and a storm comes up, threatening them all. Jesus had been peacefully asleep during the entire thing, and is awakened. He simply tells the storm to be still, and instantly, it does. This is such a profound lesson in life for us all: trusting Jesus with the uncertainty and fear will give us the ability to weather the storms.

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